Dough, metal and plaster sculpture

Additional images supporting my Digital Folklore project.

I experimented by creating digital collages of different elements, as well as overlapping them physically on the set.



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A collaborative journal by 3rd year students: published and funded by London College of Communication Design School.


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My last name was misspelled. This might seem like a ridiculous thing to get upset about, which, it probably is… However, the irony really is what my article was about. I wrote about the difficulty I have as a Balkan student making political work about the region. I felt forced to make polarising decisions, portrait Balkan as either entirely negative or defend it. To have a duality of feelings is entirely normal, and even more so complex to understand without any geopolitical knowledge of the region.
I’ve been called Popova and abbreviations of the same. In England, there is one type of Eastern European. If it sounds Eastern enough, then it is used.

It angers me that the quote used by the editors is ‘There is either a perception of Croatia as an exotic land or a fetishisation of my ability to academically compete with my British colleagues.’ The inability to correctly spell my last name feeds into the idea of exoticism. Eight people worked on this journal, two of which are tutors, three of which were editors.

It starts from simple things, like correctly spelling our last names. If we can’t even have our names spelled right, how can we feel empowered enough to take charge of the narrative of our geopolitical, contextual space? It is a problem of ownership and not a simple typo.